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博士,教授, 硕士生导师,博士生导师。  
研究领域: 解析数论  

[23] Q. Sun, A note on simultaneous nonvanishing of Dirichlet L-functions and twists of Hecke-Maass L-functions, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 37, No.1 (2022) 31-47.

[22] Y. Fan, Q. Sun, A Bessel  -method and hybrid bounds for  , Q. J. Math., 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/qmath/haab046.

[21] Sun, Qingfeng; Wang, Hui A subconvex bound for twisted L -functions. Funct. Approx. Comment. Math.  65  (2021),  no. 2, 175–189.

[20] Yongxiao Lin, Qingfeng Sun, Analytic twists of GL(3)×GL(2) automorphic forms, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2021, 2021(19): 15143-15208. 

[19] Keshav Aggarwal, Roman Holowinsky, Yongxiao Lin, Qingfeng Sun, The Burgess bound via a trivial delta method, Ramanujan J. 53 (2020), no. 1, 49–74.

[18] Qingfeng Sun, Hybrid bounds for twists of GL(3) L-functions, Publ. Mat. 64 (2020), 75-102

[17] Qingfeng Sun, Rui Zhao, Bounds for GL3 L-functions in depth aspect,  Forum Math. 31 (2) (2019), 303-318.

[16] Qingfeng Sun, Averages of shifted convolution sums for GL(3)×GL(2), J. Number Theory 182 (2018), 344–362.

[15] Qingfeng Sun, Shifted convolution sums involving theta series, Ramanujan J. 44 (2017), 13–36.

[14] Qingfeng Sun, Shifted convolution sums of GL_3 cusp forms with θ-series, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2017 (2017), 1805–1829.

[13] Qingfeng Sun, Deyu Zhang, Sums of the triple divisor function over values of a ternary quadratic form, J. Number Theory 168 (2016), 215–246.

[12] Qingfeng Sun, On effective determination of symmetric-square lifts, level aspect, Int. J. Number Theory 11 (1) (2015): 51-65.

[11] Qingfeng Sun, On effective determination of symmetric-square lifts, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 12 (7) (2014): 976-990.

[10] Qingfeng Sun, The symmetric-square L-function on the critical line, J. Number Theory 140 (2014): 196-214.

[9] Qingfeng Sun, Yuanying Wu, Exponential sums involving Maass forms, Front. Math. China 9 (6) (2014): 1349-1366.

[8] Qingfeng Sun, On the first moment of the symmetric-square L-function, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2) (2013): 369-375.

[7] Qingfeng Sun, On determination of GL_3 cusp forms, Acta Arith. 151 (1) (2012): 39-54.

[6] Qingfeng Sun, Non-vanishing of derivatives of GL(3)×GL(2) L-functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2) (2012): 449-463.

[5] Zhixin Liu, Qingfeng Sun, Sums of cubes of primes in short intervals, Ramanujan J. 28 (3) (2012): 309-321.

[4] Qingfeng Sun, Cancellation of cusp forms coefficients over Beatty sequences on GL(m), Can. Math. Bull. 54 (4) (2011): 757-762.

[3] Qingfeng Sun, Selberg’s integral for Ramanujan automorphic representation, Acta Math. Sinica (Engl. Ser.) 27 (7) (2011): 1449-1454.

[2] Qingfeng Sun, Nonlinear exponential twists of the Liouville function, Cent. Eur. J. Math. 9 (2) (2011): 328-337.

[1] Qingfeng Sun, On cusp form coefficients in nonlinear exponential sums, Quart. J. Math. 61 (3) (2010): 363-372.
山东省威海市文化西路180号 雷火竞技(威海)雷火竞技app官方网站  
邮箱: qfsun@sdu.edu.cn        
2001.09-2005.06  雷火竞技数学学院    理学学士
2005.09-2010.06  雷火竞技数学学院    理学博士
2022.01-至今    雷火竞技app官方网站副经理
2018.06-2021.12 数学与应用数学系系主任
2007.08-2008.08     美国爱荷华大学             访问学者
2016.11-2017.11     美国俄亥俄州立大学         访问学者 
2019级硕士:范伊兰   王慧
2020级硕士:何昕仪   刘玮(与皮庆华老师合带)  
2022级硕士:曹丽娟(与蒋玉蛟老师合带)  都晨豪(与皮庆华老师合带)  张慧敏 张琪之